Fat-dissolving (Double Chin)

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Fat-dissolving in Exeter

Eliminate that double chin

Do you have a stubborn fat deposit beneath the chin which you can’t shift with diet or exercise?

At Dental House Exeter, we use a product called Celluform Plus to target this concern. Celluform Plus is a compound of natural origin, which is injected into the fat, and is able to break down fat cells found in the sub-skin layer. The fat tissue is reabsorbed rapidly in 1-3 sessions.

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How does Fat-dissolving work?

The treatment is very quick and minimal injections are needed, meaning the procedure is simple and non-traumatic for a more slender looking chin and neck area. As we only have a specific number of fat cells in our body, this treatment is permanent (assuming you maintain a similar weight following treatment).

Celluform Plus not only causes a loss of fatty tissue, but also stimulates a greater production of collagen resulting in firmer skin beneath the chin.


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What's involved?

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Celluform Plus fat dissolving at a glance

Treatment time

10 mins


2 weeks (slight swelling)


4 - 6 weeks



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